George, Pompey

Pompey George was a member of the Mohegan tribal community.  He married an Indian woman named Betty and had at least one daughter, Molly.

Enlisting as a private in Major John Durkee's Third Company of Phineas Lyman's First Connecticut Regiment from March 24 to December 9, 1782,  he was a combatant in the Siege of Havanna. Three years later, George was among the entries in Gershom Breed's account book.  By 1772, he was earing part of his living as a broom maker, for in that year, William Williams noted that George bartered 26 brooms for 2 1/4 yards of red cloth. While his name appears on several Mohegan petitions, his right to be called a Mohegan was questioned by Zachary Johnson's council in 1774, which suggests that George was a supporter of the John Uncas faction of the tribe.  

Pompy George died sometime before 1782, as his wife is listed as a widow.  Brown and Rose, Black Roots, 161.  IP 2.2.300, 315, 328.

By 1782