Indians Petition about Walnut Hill

To the honorable General Assembly to be holden at New Haven on the 2nd Thursday of October 1731

The memorial of the Pequot Indians belonging to the Town of Groton, the subscribers hereunto in the behalf of themselves and the rest of the Pequot Indians humbly showeth that whereas the honorable general assembly at Hartford in May last, took care of your memorialists and appointed us overseers to take care of us that we should not be wronged of our land. We do return the honorable assembly thanks for their care of us, and do further pray that for as much as our overseers in the memorial proffered for us; there was six hundred acres of our land that was set out to us by the same committee and in the same deed left out of said memorial and so nothing acted on it by the said assembly in May last. Your memorialists therefore humbly pray that said six hundred acres of land may be put under the same regulation as the other lands are at Mashantucket and that our overseers may have the same power to take care of our interest there for our use as they have of the lands at Mashantucket and whereas it appears on the records of the Town of Groton that there is about forty or more deeds of our lands on record wherein the granters have pretended to pass the fee of our lands one to another, your memorialists humbly pray that your honors would enact something in our favor respecting said deeds. and your memorialists as in duty bound shall pray.   

Scadoab  [6]                                                          

Crook Simon[7]                                       








Peter Cheetes[15]

Peter Sauk[16]


Sam Sauk[18]        

Little George[19]

John Meazon[20]

Robin Meazon[21]

Peter Meazon[22]

George Meazon[23]

Peter Coacheme: dead:[24]




John Peter[28]

Simon Cheddes[29]

Peter Choages[30]





Groton,[35] October 7, 1731

Notation:         Indians Petition about Walnut Hill[36]

Cataloguing:  Pequots[37]

Miscellaneous: Salibury[38] alias Weatugue

[6] Scadoab,    ( - ) ID=2804

[7] Simon, Crook   ( - ) ID=2352

[8] Quaques,    ( - ) ID=2743

[9] , George (Pequot)   ( - ) ID=3156

[10] , Abenner I (Pequot)   ( - ) ID=2144[10] Obenerr 2627/  Note name should be regularized to “Abener”  Why not , Abenner I (Pequot)   ( - ) ID=2144? 

[11] , Daniel (Pequot)   ( - ) ID=272

[12] David 3157/

[13] Charles 3158/ It is Charley in LB and Bio Geo.

[14]Chosham 2268/

[15] Peter 3159/ This may be peter cheetes

[16] Peter Sauk 2885/ Last name needs to be changed in LB

[17] Sauk 2884/ needs to be changed in LB

[18] Sam Sauk 2886/ must change in LB

[19] Little George 2493/

[20] John Meazon 3163/281522

[21] Robin Meazon 3164/281525 and 2547/282337

[22] Peter Meazon 3165/281523

[23] George Meazon 3166/282792 and 2538/291368

[24] Peter Coacheme 2279/292793

[25] Tobeas 3167/

[26] Tobedien 2950/

[27] Wegowanhok 3040/

[28] John 2451/ ??  Peter II [ not in database ] I thought it was John Peters?? Peters, John   ( - ) ID=2695

[29] Simon Cheddes 2248/  Why isn’t this Cheets or Quocheats?

[30] Peter Choages 2257/ Could this be Chunks

[31] Samson 3162/

[32] Samboa 2789/282790

[33] Peapeges 2683/  It is likely this guy

[34] Nonnewake 2618/

[35] Groton ,CT

[36] Walnut Hill

[37] Written in pencil

[38] Salisbury