Petition of Dr. William H. Luce to the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives

To the Honourable Senate and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled1

The petition of the undersigned respectfully represents that for the last ten years he has been frequently called upon by the Indians and People of Colour at Christiantown for medical assistance, that whenever called upon, he has attended them by night and by day, that those of said Indians, etc., who are able paid him for his services, but that for his services and medicine for Recall DeGrass, now deceased, he has received nothing, and that said DeGrass has left no estate.

Wherefore, he prays that the sum of sixteen dollars and thirty-seven cents may be paid him by the Commonwealth.

William H. Luce


I have examined the within petition of Dr. William H. Luce and examined his account against Recall DeGrass and believe his statement and account to be correct.  Edgartown, January 24, 1851, Leavitt Thaxter, Guardian

Legislative Action:

The petition of Dr. William H. Luce of Tisbury for an allowance for professional attendance on an individual of the Christiantown Indian Tribe.  Presented by Mr. Vincent of Chilmark.  House of Representatives, January 29, 1851.  Referred to the Committee on Claims. Sent up for concurrence.  L. E. Josselyn, Clerk / In Senate, January 30, 1851.  Concurred, C. L. Knapp, Clerk

  • 1. Luce had requested payment for his services in 1846 and 1849. Neither application passed. This petition did succeed, passing on March 22, 1851. Petition of Dr. William H. Luce, 1846.02.11.00. Petition of Dr. William H. Luce, 1849.02.26.00.