Copy of Execution Levied against Elnathan Hooker

To the Sheriff of the County of Hartford or his Deputy, or either of the constables of the Town of Farmington with said County, Greeting
Whereas, Sarah Wampey of Farmington in the County of Hartford recovered judgment against Elnathan Hooker of said Farmington before the General Assembly court holden at Hartford on the second Thursday of May AD 1791 for the sum of three pounds eight shillings and two pence £ money, costs of suit, as appears of record; whereof execution remains to be done.
These are, therefore, by authority of the State of Connecticut to command you, that the money, goods, chattels, or lands of the said Elnathan Hooker within your precincts, you cause to be levied (and the same being disposed of as the law directs) paid and satisfied unto the said Sarah Wampey the aforesaid sums being three pounds, eight shillings, and two pence lawful money with one shilling and six pence lawful money, more for this writ, together with your own fees.  And for want of such money, goods, or chattels of the said Elnathan Hooker to be by him shown unto you, or found within your precincts, to the acceptance of the said Sarah Wampey for the satisfying the aforesaid sums you are hereby commanded to take the body of the said Elnathan Hooker and him commit unto the keeper of the goal in Hartford in the County of Hartford aforesaid, within the said prison, who is likewise hereby commanded to receive the said Elnathan Hooker and him safely keep until he pay unto the said Sarah Wampey the full sums abovementioned, and be by him released, and also to satisfy your fees. 
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this writ with your doings thereon according to law, within sixty days next coming.
Dated at Hartford, June 2, 1791