Exchange of Land between Town of Farmington and Solomon Mossuck

To All People to Whom These Presents Shall Come: Greeting
Know you that we, Noadiah Hooker, Timothy Root, and Solomon Whitman, Jr., all of Farmington, in the County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, a committee chosen by and representing the town and proprietors of said town, to procure necessary highways by way of exchange for consideration of land secured to the town and received to our full satisfaction of Solomon Mossuck of the town, county, and state aforesaid, namely, the highway laid through the 7th Lot in the Indian grant and, also, one rods wide at the east end of the 17th Lot in said grant do give, grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto him, the said Mossuck, and to his heirs and assigns forever a part of a two rod highway lying on the west side of the grant aforesaid, being at the north side of the highway aforesaid. crost said grant by the selectmen and, from thence, runs north to the north side of his land lying west of said highway, and contains about two roods, butting west on his own land, south on highway, east on said grant, and north on land laid out of said highway to Captain [1]Root.          
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances thereof unto him, the said Mossuck, and to his heirs, and assigns forever. to his and their own proper use and behoof, and, also, we, the said Committee, do for ourselves and our successors covenant with him, the said Mossuck, and his heirs, and assigns that the above granted premises shall forever remain a good, perfect, and absolute estate in fee simple by him and them to be enjoyed as their own forever, and the same is free of all encumbrances whatsoever. 
In confirmation whereof, we have hereunto to set our hands and seals,
Noadiah Hooker, seal
Timothy Root, seal
Solomon Whitman, Jr., seal
February 27, 1789
Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of William Judd, Samuel Richards, Jr.
Personally appeared Noadiah Hooker, Timothy Root, and Solomon Whitman, Jr., the signers and sealers of the foregoing instrument, and acknowledge the same to be their free act and deed before me, William Judd, Justice of the Peace, Hartford County in the District of Farmington, February 27, 1789
A true entry of a deed recorded March 21, 1789 per Solomon Whitman, Registrar

[1] Timothy