Memorial of the Selectmen of Northampton Regarding Abigail Meazon

To His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., Captain General and Governor-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and Vice Admiral of the same and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council of the Same Province
The subscribers hereof, the Selectmen of Northampton in the County of Hampshire in the Province abovesaid, most humbly shew that Abigail Meazon, an Indian woman, a poor indigent person not an inhabitant or belonging to any town or place within this province, nor the proper charge of any such town or place but supposed to belong to Farmington in Connecticut on or about the ninth day of September 1771 happened to be visited with sickness in the said Town of Northampton and continued sick and confined there from the ninth of September to the twenty-first of October following and thereby a necessary and unavoidable charge of five pounds and three shillings was occasioned to the said Town of Northampton according to the particular accounts herewith exhibited, the whole whereof has sometime since been disbursed and paid by the said Town of Northampton.  The subscribers, therefore, humbly supplicate Your Excellency and Honors that the sum of the abovesaid charge and expense may be defrayed out of the public treasury of this province by warrant from Your Excellency and that the same may be thereby made payable to Mr. Caleb Strong, Jr., Treasurer of the said Northampton to the said town’s use.
Which is humbly submitted by the subscribers, who as in duty bound will always pray,
Caleb Strong, Jr., Selectmen of Northampton
Northampton selectmen.  Petition to the Governor and Council, January 7, 1773 / £5 .3           