Deed from Wawowos of the Tunxis to Samuel Hooker, Jr.

This writing made this 19th day of July in the year of our Lord 1711 between Wawowos, Indian of Farmington in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut in New England on the one part, and Mr. Samuel Hooker, Jr., of the aforesaid town, county, and colony on the other part.
Witnesseth, that I, the aforesaid Wawowos, for and in consideration of five pound cash in kind received of the aforesaid Hooker and other good and lawful reasons, [by] me thereunto moving, I have given granted, bargained, and sold, and, by these presents, I do give, grant, bargain, sell, and pass over unto the aforesaid Hooker, to him, his heirs and lawful successors, to have and to hold forever more one parcel of meadow land, lying and being situated in the Township of Farmington, aforesaid, in the place commonly called the Indian Neck in that part of said neck called the grindlet[1] or hollow that runs through the neck, containing. by estimation. one acre and thirty rod, be it more or less lying butted and bounded as followeth: northerly part on said Hooker’s land and part on land called Captain John Hart’s, southerly on land said Hooker bought of Searion,[2] Indian, easterly on land called Captain John Hart’s, and westerly on William Lewis, his land. This parcel of land, thus prescribed with all the appurtenances, profits, privileges, and commodities thereon and, thereto, belonging of the aforesaid Wawowos, do remit, release, and relinquish all my former right, title, power, claim, and Interest, yielding, giving, granting, and surrendering the said power, claim, and interest to the aforesaid Hooker, to have and to hold, to him, his heirs, and lawful successors forevermore, assuring the aforesaid Hooker that I, the aforesaid Wawowos, have lawful right to the land and appurtenances mentioned in the premises in all and every part thereof and the same to convey and the same do convey, sell, and pas over as afore said, and I, the aforesaid Hooker, his heirs, and lawful successors, that the land and appurtenances mentioned in the premises in all and every part thereof is and shall be free from all former bargains, sales, leases, mortgages, fines, fees, entails, or any other encumbrance whatsoever, and I, the aforesaid Wawowos, do hereby covenant for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators with the aforesaid Hooker, his heirs, and lawful successors that he and they shall and may from time to time and at all times lawfully, peaceably, quietly possess, enjoy, and improve the land and appurtenances mentioned in the premises in all and every part thereof as he and they see cause without any let, trouble, eviction, ejection, or molestation from me, the aforesaid Wawowos, my heirs. or assigns, or any other person or persons claiming in, by, or under me, or by virtue of any other former real or pretend title, whatsoever, warranting and to you these presents, confirming the land and appurtenances mentioned in the premises in all and every part thereof to be to the aforesaid Hooker a good sure and lawful estate in fee simple, which he may enter upon and record to himself and his heirs as he seeth cause.
Wawowos, his mark
In witness hereunto, I have signed sealed and delivered this instrument in the presence of witnesses, John Wadsworth, Thomas Wadsworth, Chipence,[3] his mark
Then Wawowos, the signer and sealer of this forgoing instrument, came personally to Farmington and acknowledged the same to be his free act and deed before me, William Wadsworth, Justice of the Peace, July 22, 1726
Samuel Hooker’s Indian deed
Samuel Hooker, Jr. deed of Wawowos dated July 19, 1711, containing one acre thirty rods

[1] A narrow ditch, Clarice E. Tyler, “Topographical Terms in the Seventeenth-Century Records of Connecticut and Rhode Island,” The New England Quarterly 2, no.3 (July 1929): 384.
[2] Possibly, Cherry, the Tunxis leader who signed a tribal deed in 1673. 
[3] Most likely, Chickens (Chickheag)