Bill from Charles Chester to Eneas Morgan and Stephen Billings, Overseers to the Western Pequot Indians

The Tribe of Indians in Groton to Charles Chester
May 18
To plowing for James Sunsamon
May 19
To carting two loads wood to A. Shon1
To two quarts corn and carting two loads wood to A. Shon
To plowing garden and four candles
January 7
To one pound six ounces pork and two and a quarter pounds rye flour
To one peck corn and sledding a load wood
January 15
To ten quarts corn and sledding load wood
January 28
To one pound pork and two quarts corn
To sledding two loads wood
February 3
To drawing a load wood and one peck corn
February 16
To drawing a load wood and peck corn
February 22
To one and a quarter pound pork and one peck of potatoes
February 26
To one peck corn and cloth to lay out child2
To digging grave for child
February 27
To going after coffin and to bring it
To one pint rum
To vittle the tribe when the overseers met
To two load wood for A. Shon
To two load wood the drawing one peck corn
To drawing two load wood
To drawing two load wood
May 19
To one day’s work plowing Ann Wampey
October 8
To three pecks oats delivered to Prudence Harry
December 25
To drawing wood for James Sunsamon
To three yards woolen cloth Sarah Meazon
December 29
To drawing wood A. Shon
January 7
To cutting and drawing wood A. Shon
To cutting and drawing two loads wood
January 17
To cutting and drawing wood
January 29
To cutting and sledding a load wood
January 30
To cutting and sledding load wood
February 2
To sledding wood
February 8
To drawing two loads wood James Sunsamon
To amount brought over
February 9
To drawing three loads wood A. Shon
February 22
To drawing one load wood
March 9
To drawing one load wood
Received of Captain Eneas Morgan and Stephen Billings, Esq., the overseers of the Tribe of Indians in Groton, the full contents of the within and above account.
I say received by me,
Charles Chester
March 9, 1822
Endorsement: Mr. Charles Chester Account and Receipt [ illegible ]
  • 1. This last name could be an abbreviated form of Deshon. The line following this entry following suggests that A. Shon is a woman. A Caleb Shon married Agnes Tony in Stonington on November 23, 1758, but this would mean A. Shon would be, at the very least, well into her nineties. It is more likely that this entry refers to Theodosia Deshon.
  • 2. It is uncertain who this child is. Additional research is required.