Committee Report and Order of the Massachusetts General Court on the Petition of Amos Ahauton and Other Indians at Ponkapoag

The Committee appointed on the petition or complaint of Amos Ahaton and others, having assigned a time for hearing the parties, none of the petitioners, save Amos, appeared to support the matters of complaint therein set forth against the Trustee of the Indians at Ponkapoag; one of the petitioners being deceased some years before the petition was proffered, and, so far as appears to us, before his name was set to it; And others of them having signified under their hands, that said petition was not signed by them or by their order, and that they are well-satisfied with the conduct of said Trustee; but the said Amos on said hearing, alleged sundry matters of grievance, relating partly to the clothing, but principally to the food allowed and delivers to the Indians by said Trustee, whereof no sufficient proof was produced, especially as to the facts alleged, which, if supported, might have fixed blame upon him.  But on the contrary, some things charged against him, to us appeared groundless and abusive, prompted, it’s likely, by some malevolent and disaffected person (whose resentments were perhaps exited by a suit at law against him for nonpayment of some of the Indians' money) and with an intent to traduce the said Trustee and asperse his character, who, notwithstanding anything objected against him has, so far as to us appears, been faithful in the discharge of the Trust reposed in him.


We are therefore of opinion that the Honorable John Quincy, Esq., the aforesaid Trustee be desired to continue his care and oversight of the Ponkapoag Indians; and inasmuch as in case of the Indians sickness, old age or other extraordinary occasion of expense, the interest of the money in the said Trustees hands, may not be sufficient for their support and relief, that therefore he be allowed and empowered to advance or lay out such part of the principal stock as he shall judge to be absolutely necessary for that purpose and thereof, from time to time, to render an account unto this Court.


The Committee are further opinion that the petition of the said Amos Pepperell, William Ahaton, etc., be dismissed per order of the Committee. Boston, March 31, 1742.  William Pepperrell. In Council, M[ hole ] 1742. Read and ordered that this report be accepted and that the petition above referenced to be dismissed accordingly.


Legislative Action:

Sent down for concurrence In the House of Representatives, April 2, 1742. J. Willard, Secretary. Read and concurred, John Hobson, Speaker. Consented to, William Shirley


Thomas Ahaton, etc., Petition dismissed / April 2, 1742
