Chesebrough, Silas, 1786 - 1845

Silas Chesebrough (November 19, 1786-June 14, 1845) was the son of William Chesebrough and Esther Williams of Stonington, Connecticut.  As an ensign in Captain John Hull's 4th Company of the 30th Regiment, Chesebrough was part of the forces defending Stonington Point when it was attacked by the British in 1814.  The following year, he let two of his cattle out in the Eastern Pequot Indian Town pasture for the benefit of Clor Williams. 
In 1814, Chesebrough, his brother Henry, and Cyrus Williams built and operated the Williams manufacturing establishment and dam at the south end of Indiantown Pond.  Three years later, Chesebrough left Stonington for a three-month journey westward to explore the Ohio country in search of land for a possible settlement.  During this time, he kept a journal of his travels, which was published in 1931.
The Connecticut General Assembly in 1827 appointed Chesebrough an overseer to the Eastern Pequot of North Stonington, a position he shared with his brother Henry.  After several years of service, he resigned his office on February 19, 1834, and removed from Stonington to settle at Syracuse, New York.  He died there eleven years later at the age of 58.
 Find A Grave (Rose Hill Cemetery, Syracuse, NY).  Wheeler, History of the Town of Stonington, 71.  Hurd, History of New London County, 739.  Silas Chesebrough, Peter S. McGuire, ed., "Journal of a Journey to the Westward," The American Historical Review 37 (Oct1 (1931 65-88.

November 19, 1786
June 14, 1845