Deed to Tunxis Sepos
A discovery in writing of such agreements as were by the magistrates with the Indians of Tunxis Sepos concerning the lands and such things for reference thereunto as tend to settle peace in a way of truth and righteousness betwixt the English and them.
In the first place, taken for granted that the magistrates bought the whole country to the Mohawk’s country of Sequassen, the chief sachem.
Item: that notwithstanding their interest by that means, yet the magistrates did in a friendly manner come to terms with the Tunxis Indians, that some English might come and live amongst them, which terms were these: that the Indians should yield up all the ground that they had under improvement at that time when the bargain was first made and receive ground in place together compassed about with a creek and trees, and now also to be staked out, only in that piece the English were to have the use of the grass for their cows, which now to avoid contention, the English are willing to let go all save one little slip which is also to be staked out to prevent contention:
Item: that what ground they deliver up to the English in other places that was in the first bargain making, under the improvement of the Indians. A like proportion (if the place will bear it) shall be broke up for them, and the Indians to hold that they have in present possession till that be broke up in that place.
Item: that this being done, the Indians have no propriety in any other ground anywhere else within the bounds of this plantation, and yet they shall have liberty to fell wood for fuel or other necessary uses, so they do it not in men’s home lots or to the spoiling of grass or corn of the English, nor shall they be hindered of fishing, fowling and hunting, so it be not done to the breach of any orders in the country to hurt cattle etc., fishing, fowling and hunting being left equally free to English and Indians.
Item: that it is clear that all the lands the English have is little worth til the wisdom, labour, and estates of the English be improved upon it. And the magistrates, when they have lands in a place, give it away to English men to labour upon, and take nothing for it.
Item: that the peace and plenty that they have had, and enjoyed by the presence of the English in regard of protection of them and trade with them makes more to the advantage and comfort of the Indians though they hire some land then ever they enjoyed before the coming of the English, when all the land was in their own dispose: and although they do hire in regard of the increase of their company, yet now corn and skins will give a good price, which will countervail much more than the hire of their land, and therefore the Indians have reason to live lovingly among the English by whom their lives are preserved, and their estates and comforts advantaged, and this we the chief Indians in the name of all the rest acknowledge and do engage ourselves to make no quarrels about this matter.
Pethus, his mark
Ahamo, his mark
Signed in presence of Stephen Hart, Thomas Judd, Thomas Thompson, Isaac Moore, Thomas Stanton, Roger Newton, April 9, 1650
We whose names are here underwritten have compared the above transcript with the original and do testify that for substance it doth perfectly agree. Roger Newton, Stephen Hart, Thomas Judd
A copy for John Fanon1
Recorded by me, William Lewis, Register, by the town’s order, January 18, 1667
A true copy as recorded in Farmington 2nd Book of Records, folio 2, examined per John Hooker, Registrar
- 1. The presence of John Fanon's name here suggests that the copy of the document was used in his complaint to the Connecticut General Assembly in 1738. See Memorial and Summons concerning Tunxis Land, 1738.05.10.00
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