Summons for Samuel Hooker

To the Sheriff of Hartford County, His Deputy, or Either of Farmington Constables in said County, Greetings

In His Majesty’s name you are hereby required to make Samuel Hooker of said Farmington to know that he must appear before the Honorable General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut to be held at New Haven within said colony on the second Thursday of instant October (viz.) that he, the said Hooker, appear before said Assembly on the first Tuesday next after said Thursday, then and there to defend to Hezekiah Scott of said Farmington and Elizabeth, his wife, (as a right in fee in said Elizabeth) a certain tract of land in said Farmington descended from her ancestors in a lineal succession down to her, which land was warranted by said Samuel to Benjamin Porter, late of said Farmington, now deceased, father of said Elizabeth, as by a deed of bargain and dale dated the ninth day of December 1728, signed by said Samuel, which said land is situate in said Farmington within the common field, bounded southerly, easterly, west and northwest, part on land formerly Sarah Steele and part on land formerly Deacon John Hart’s and part on land Josiah Hart, late of said Farmington, formerly owned, and part on land then the said Hooker’s, running as the bank runneth to the top or brow of the bank, as the bank runs, and otherwise butting on land said Porter then owned, now in the possession of John Thompson of said Farmington, which said land is now challenged from said Hezekiah and Elizabeth by James Wawowos, one of the Tunxis Tribe of Indians belonging to or residing in said Farmington in behalf of himself and the rest of said tribe in and by a petition to said Assembly.

Herein fail not but due return make

William Pitkin, Jr.,  Assistant

Dated at Farmington, October 1, 1767

Endorsement:  I then left an attested copy of the within writ at the usual place of abode of the within named Samuel Hooker.  Test, Nathaniel Hart, Constable of Farmington, Farmington, October 8, 1767 /   Fees 08.06

Notation: [ illegible ] Samuel Hooker citations / Hezekiah and Elizabeth Scott v. Samuel Hooker / Citation as view here

Cataloguing:    173a, 173b