Petition of Priscilla Freeman to the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court Assembled                                    

The undersigned, a member of the Deep Bottom Tribe of Indians in Dukes County, would respectfully represent that she has an aged mother1  (a member of said tribe), who is dependent upon her for support, and that, having a family of children also dependent upon her,2 she is unable to make provision for her mother without assistance and would petition Your Honorable Body to grant her the sum of one hundred and four dollars for this purpose.                                      

Priscilla Freeman

Post script:

She would also represent that her father has been unable to support himself during the last year and that she has made provisions for him, that he has recently died,3 and that the expenses of his sickness and death are also to be paid by her, and she respectfully asks Your Honorable Body to grant her an allowance for his board, physician's bill, and funeral expenses.


We, the Selectmen of Tisbury, in which the Indian reservation of Deep Bottom is located, would testify that the above statement is true and would recommend Priscilla Freeman as worthy of the assistance of the Commonwealth, Selectmen of Tisbury, Henry Bradly, John D. Rotch, Charles D. Harding

Legislative Action:

The Petition of Priscilla Freeman, one of the Deep Bottom Tribe of Indians, asking for the continuance of aid for the support of her mother, Jemima Easton.  House of Representatives.  March 9, 1866.  Presented by Mr. Davis of Edgartown, who asks its reference to the Committee on Claims. Sent up for concurrence.  W. S. Robinson, Clerk.  Senate. March 10, 1866.  Concurred, S. N. Gifford, Clerk

  • 1. Jemima Job Easton
  • 2. The Freeman family consisted of Priscilla, her husband, Tristram, and three children -- David, Frank, and John
  • 3. Isaac Easton died at Deep Bottom on February 8, 1866. Pierce and Segel, Wampanoag Families of Martha's Vineyard, 259.