Petition of Priscilla Freeman to the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled

The undersigned, one of the Indian people of the Deep Bottom Tribe, situate in the southern part of the Town of Tisbury on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, would most earnestly and humbly pray the Honorable Legislature to award me an additional allowance for the support of my mother, Jemima Easton, sufficient to make it two dollars per week.            

I am a poor woman with a family of young children dependent upon my daily labor for support.             

My mother now occupies a room in my small house, where she is confined and helpless; she is a heavy person, aged, and infirm.                 

In making my appeal, I take no account of house room or my own time and labor in attending upon her, but in the greatly increased expenses of living.  I pray for the sum, specified above, as the least amount necessary to cover the actual necessities of life.

Deep Bottom, Massachusetts, January 1865


I certify that the above statement of the petitioner, Priscilla Freeman, is substantially correct, and her claim entitled to full consideration.  Henry Bradley, Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury.  Tisbury, Dukes County, Massachusetts.    January 1865

Legislative Action:

Petition of Priscilla Freeman, praying for the support of her mother, Jemima Easton.  Presented by Mr. Osborn of Edgartown.  House of Representatives.  February 2, 1865.  1 Referred to Committee on Claims. Sent up for concurrence, W. S. Robinson. Clerk. Senate. February 3, 1865.  Concurred, S. N. Gifford, Clerk

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