Petition of Priscilla Freeman to the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives

To the Honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court Assembled

Respectfully represents the undersigned, Priscilla Freeman1  of the Deep Bottom Tribe of Indians in the Town of  Tisbury in the County of Dukes County, that her mother, Jemima Easton, the oldest remaining member of said tribe, is in need of assistance from the Commonwealth, she being stricken in years, sick, and unable to labor and to earn her own support as formerly, and to procure the necessary medical attendance.              

Your petitioner further represents that, to the utmost of her ability, she has endeavored to aid her mother, personally ministering to her wants and necessities, and supplying her with every comfort and aid within her power to procure, and that she is still willing to do all she can. Her own family of young children, however, tax her utmost diligence, and she needs for their comfortable subsistence all that her best exertions, combined with the closest economy, can procure.    As she has always heretofore, so is she now willing to share the task of providing for her mother.  The burden, however, is more than she can bear alone. She, therefore, asks that the Commonwealth, always kind and provident towards the poor and needy Natives, remnants of those once lords of the soil, will make provision for her mother’s wants, and that a sum sufficient therefor be annually paid, so long as the said Jemima Easton shall live, to the overseers of the poor for the Town of Tisbury, to be expended, under their direction, for her necessary wants.

And as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray.                                                                     

Priscilla Freeman
Tisbury, January 1862

Post Script:

Priscilla Freeman is now wife of Tristam Freeman

Legislative Action:

The Petition of Priscilla Freeman of the Deep Bottom Indians for provision for support of her mother, Jemima Easton.  Presented by Edgar Marchant of Edgartown.  House of Representatives, January 13, 1862.  Referred to the Committee on Claims.  Sent up for concurrence. W. S. Robinson, Clerk.  W. S. Robinson, Clerk.  Senate, January 14, 1862.  Concurred, S. N. Gifford, Clerk / Ingrem of R / Report     



  • 1. Deleted Text: Jackson