Petition of Zaccheus Howwoswee, Samuel Peters, and Aaron Cooper to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled                 

The memorial of the undersigned, on behalf of the Indians and People of Colour resident at Gay Head in the County of Duke’s County, respectfully represents that the boundary line between said Indians and the white inhabitants of Chilmark in said County, has never been recorded, and that the description of said boundary has been lost or secreted, and that in consequence thereof, there have been and now are disputes as to said boundary, that some of the inhabitants of said Chilmark have, from time to time, encroached upon and claimed and occupied a portion of our lands, that we have no other means whereby to recover and secure our rights but through the Legislature.                

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that Commissioners may be appointed to determine and run the boundary line between the lands of said Indians and the lands of the White people of said Chilmark.

Overseers of Gay Head,

Gay Head, January 12, 1855

Legislative Action:

Petition of Zaccheus Howwaswee and others, Overseers of the Gay Head Indians, for a Commission to determine the Boundary of their lands.  In Senate, January 24, 1855.  Mr. Lucas of Nantucket and Dukes.  Moves reference to a Joint Special Committee.  In Senate. January 24, 1855. Referred to Joint Special Committee on Petition of the Punkapoag Indians.  Sent down for concurrence,  P. L. Cox, Clerk.  House of Representatives.  January 25, 1855.  Concurred, H. A. Marsh, Clerk