Petition of Elijah Wampey & Others Regarding the Estate of Sarah Wampey

To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut Now Sitting at New Haven within for the Said State
The memorial of Elijah Wampey, Hannah Robbins, and Rhoda Robbins, all of Oneida1 in the State of New York, formerly of Farmington in the State of Connecticut, children and grandchildren of Sarah Wampey, alias Sarah Montaugh,2 late of said Oneida deceased, humbly sheweth that the said Sarah was one of the tribe of Natives resident at a place called Golden Hill in the Town of Stratford, that none of the ancient tribe of Indians formerly resident at that place are remaining on the lands3 there, and that the same is a valuable estate, which together with the rents due thereon ought to be appropriated to the use of the proper owners thereof.
Whereupon, the memorialists humbly pray Your Honors to appoint a wise and judicious committee to examine and ascertain to whom the estate aforesaid justly belongs and to sell and dispose of such land and collect all rents due for improvement thereof and the same4 divide to and among the proper owners, and that such committee be authorized to give good and valid deed or deeds to the purchasers thereof.
And the memorialists as in duty bound shall ever pray,
Elijah Wampey
Hannah Robbin
Rhoda Robbin
Dated at New Haven, October 15, 1793
Legislative Action:
In the House of Representatives, the further consideration of this memorial is referred to the General Assembly to be holden at Hartford in May next.  Test, Zephaniah Swift, Clerk. Concurred in the Upper House. Test, George Wyllys, Secretary / Elijah Wampey, etc. Memorial / October 1793 / October 15 read and ordered to lie on the table / Continued / Lower House / Upper House    
153 a, 153 b, 153 c, 153 d, 183, 184
  • 1. Oneida Country, i.e., Brothertown
  • 2. Elijah Wampey and Hannah Wampey Robbin were Sarah's children. Rhoda Robbin, the daughter of Hannah and David Robbin, was Sarah's grandchild.
  • 3. Deleted Text: at that place
  • 4. Deleted Text: the Avails thereof