Stanley, John II, 1647 - 1729

Deacon John Stanley II (1647-1729) was the son of John Stanley of Hartford, Connecticut.  Stanley removed to Farmington and from there served as a lieutenant in King Philip's War, receiving a soldier's lot from the town.  In 1678, he moved again to Waterbury.  There he served in several important capacities.  He was the town's first recorder, a sergeant in the train band (1682) and promoted to lieutenant (1689), and deputy to the Connecticut General Court.   In 1695, Stanley returned to Farmington where he became justice of the peace for Hartford County in 1704 and deacon of the church seven years later.
Find A Grave (East Street Cemetery, Goshen, CT).  274.  Gay, Farmington Soliders in Colonial Wars, 11.  Additional sources for this biography come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.