Rockwell, William, 1702 - 1765

William Rockwell was the son of Deacon Joseph Rockwell and Elizabeth Foster of Middletown, Connecticut.  He was appointed town clerk for the town of Middletown in December 1735 and like his father served as the deacon of the Congregational Church of Middletown (April 6, 1749), holding both positions until his death in 1765.  In 1747, he received payment in settling the estate of Benjamin Cushoy, a Wangunk.  As town clerk, Rockwell organized the official records for inspection in 1757 when Middletown allotted Wangunk land to Richard Ranney.  David Dudley Field, A Statistical Account of the County of Middlesex, in Connecticut (Middletown, CT: Clark & Lyman, 1819), 140. Katherine Hermes, “By Their Desire Recorded: Native American Wills and Estate Papers in Colonial Connecticut, Connecticut History, vol. 38 (Fall 1999), 167.

July 3, 1702
July 28, 1765