Greville, Robert, 1607 - 1643

Robert Greville, 2nd Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court, was the son of Fulke Greville and Mary Copley of Thorpe Latimer, Lincolnshire.  He was educated at Cambridge University and became Member of Parliament for Warwick in 1628 and entered the House of Lords shortly thereafter.  Brooke associated with other Puritan peers and through his involvement with the Providence Island Company became an associate of Sir Robert Rich, the 2nd Earl of Warwick, and William Fiennes, the Viscount Saye and Sele.  As advocates for the colonization of New England, they, with others, received a patent to establish a settlement at the mouth of the Connecticut River.  Brooke also owned land in New Haven Colony.  During the English Civil War, he became a lieutenant of the Parliamentary forces and was killed while in service.  ODBN.  History of Parliament Online.

2nd Baron Brooke