Letter from Stephen West to Nathan Strong

Reverend and Dear Sir,
Elijah Wampey, the bearer, waits on you to ask your kind assistance relative to the petition which he is about to prefer to the General Court.  Mr. Kirkland designed to have presented it but is prevented by bodily illness.  Wampey will show you the petition, and you may be assured the representation which it makes of their necessities is not too strong or at all exaggerated.  They are a needy people, and I verily trust that some of them may justly be considered as the Lord’s poor.  That whatever service you may do for them will not only be gratefully acknowledged by them but, I trust, be an acceptable sacrifice to HIM, who regards the poor in this world with the same eye of compassion and mercy as the rich and the affluent. 
But, as I presume you need no stimulus to so kind and generous an act, I only add that, I am, Sir, with respect and esteem, your obedient humble servant,
Stockbridge, May 26, 1783.
The Reverend Nathan Strong, Hartford.