Judgement against Samuel Adams

To the Sheriff of the County of Hartford or His Deputy or Either of the Constables of the Town of Farmington within Said County: Greeting
Whereas Fenn Wadsworth, administrator on the estate of James Wadsworth, Esq., late of Farmington, deceased, on the 22nd day of January 1782, before Solomon Whitman, Esq., Justice of the Peace for the County of Hartford aforesaid, recovered judgment against Samuel Adams, late of Farmington, now of Stockbridge in the State of Massachusetts Bay, for the sum of four pounds, three shillings, and three pence lawful money debt and for the sum of six shillings, eleven pence like money cost of suit as appears of record, whereof execution remains to be done.
These are, therefore, in the name of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut to command you of that the good chattels or lands of the said Samuel within your precincts you cause to be levied, and the same, being disposed of as the law directs, paid and satisfied unto the said Fenn Wadsworth, the aforesaid sums being four pounds, ten shillings, and five pence lawful money in the whole, with one shilling more for this writ, together with your own fees, and for want of such money, good or chattels of the said Samuel to be by him shewn unto you or found within sums, you are hereby commanded to take the body of the said Samuel and commit to the keeper of the jail in Hartford in the County aforesaid within the said prison, who is likewise hereby commanded to receive the said Samuel and him safely keep until he pay unto the said Fenn the full sums above mentioned and be by him released, and also satisfy your fees, hereof fail not, and make due returns of this with your doing thereon according to law within sixty days next coming.
Solomon Whitman, Justice of the Peace
Dated at Farmington, July 1, 1783                                                    
By virtue of the within executors and by direction of the plaintiff, I took a certain piece of land lying in said Farmington called the 25th Lot of land in the late Indian grant, the property of the within named Samuel Adams, containing three acres, butted east on land of Captain Solomon Cowles, south on land of Palmer Sweet, north on land of Hannah Robbins, west on land of the within named Samuel Adams, said land was appraised by Messrs. Hezekiah Wadsworth, William Wadsworth, and Seth Wadsworth, freeholders of said town, being sworn according to law, at thirty-six shillings per acre, the above described land was delivered to Mr. Fenn Wadsworth according to law. Attest ,,, Constable, Farmington July 2, 1783, Fees 16/7d 
Then I administered the oath provided by law for the Appraiser of Land to Messers. Hezekiah Wadsworth, William Wadsworth, and Seth Wadsworth, freeholder, one being chosen by the creditor, the other appointed by me, the subscriber, to appraise the land above described to Mr. Fenn Wadsworth, creditor, sworn before me, Solomon Whitman, Justice of the Peace, Hartford County in the District of Farmington, July 21, 1783
This Certifies that we, the subscribers, appraised the above described land at thirty-six shillings per acre, Hezekiah Wadsworth, William Wadsworth, Seth Wadsworth. Farmington, July 1783 
A true entry of an execution and endorsements recorded September 16, 1783, per Solomon Whitman, Registrar
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