Bill, Gurdon, 1784 - 1856

Gurdon Bill, the son of Joshua Bill, was born on January 18, 1784, in Groton, Connecticut.  In 1805, he attended Plainfield Academy and subsequently taught school seven successive winters, while farming during the summers. While teaching grammar school in Stonington, he was called out as a sentry during the British attack there during the war of 1812.  Bill then worked for various businesses in Groton, Stonington, and at New York City's wholesale fish market, before returning to North Groton (Ledyard), where he worked a farm.
In 1818, he and Philip Gray purchased land in Ledyard to open a general store.  By 1822, Bill had become sole proprietor and ran the store until his death.  From 1820 to 1826, Bill's store provided supplies to Pequots Phebe Sunsaman, Sally George, Hannah Miller, Polly Charles and others of their community.
Bill represented Groton at the Connecticut General Assembly in 1828.  The legislature later appointed him an overseer to the Western Pequot at Mashantucket. He died on September 10, 1856.
Find A Grave (Bill Cemetery, Ledyard, CT).  Avery, History of the Town of Ledyard, 106-107, 257. Gurdon Bill Store, Wikipedia.  Sources for this biography also come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.  Image of Gurdon Bill from Avery, p. 106.

January 18, 1784
September 10, 1856