George, Sally , 1779 - 1824

Born circa 1779, Sally George was a part of the Mashantucket or Western Pequot community and likely resided on or near the tribal lands.  George appears in the records of the Overseer of the tribe as receiving goods and providing services at various times between 1813 and 1823. 
Much of what is known of Sally George comes from the writings of the Rev. William Apes.  According to Apes, Sally George was his aunt,  related to him through his father, and, based on her birth year, of the same generation as William Apes, Sr.  It is quite possible that Sally George was his sister and an Apes by birth. 
Sally George was married and had a least one child, a son Sammy, sometime prior to 1813.  While the given name of her husband remains unknown, it can be assumed his surname was George.  The marriage ended with the death of her husband and Sally George lived the remainder of her life as a widow. 
According to Apes, she had no formal education, but was a long-time and fervent member of the Freewill Baptist Church along with fellow Pequot Hannah Caleb.  Sally George was a skilled orator and described by Apes as “almost a preacher”.  
She provided care for friends and family in need. For example, records show that from June of 1818 to May of 1819, just shy of a year, she provided board and care for fellow Pequot Sarah Meazon. This conforms with Apes’ description of Sally George as a helpful caregiver and “skilled in doctoring the sick”.  
Towards the end of her life her own health began to fail, suffering periodic  “ dropsical and consumptive” bouts and “confined to bed at times”.  Sally George died at home on May 6, 1824 at the age of 45.
O’Connell, On Our Own Ground, 148-151; Western Pequot Overseer Account from May 1813 to February 8, 1820, 1820.02.08.00; Bill from Sally George to Eneas Morgan, Overseer of the Western Pequot Indians for Services Provided, 1820.02.28.00; Western Pequot Overseer Account from June 20, 1820 to June 20, 1822, 1822.06.20.00; Account of Goods provided to Western Pequot Indians by Overseer Eneas Morgan, 1822.03.12.00
ca. 1779
May 6, 1824