Eastern Pequot Overseer Account from June 21, 1849 to June 27, 1850

The Pequot Indians in account with Elias Hewitt  
June 21
To this sum due me on settlement with County Court
July 8
To two shirts for Shantup1 1 dollar. September, to calico dress lining, etc., for Pol Ned $1.87 
July 8
To one pair booties for Pol Ned at William R. Wheeler's
October 2
To twilled shirt 75 cents and cotton pants for Henry Shantup 75 cents
October 2
To four quart meal and  three pounds pork for Henry Shantup                     
October 2
To tobacco 8 cents and thread 8 cents for Henry Shantup           
December 3
To pair thick boots 2 dollars and pair stockings 50 cents for Henry Shantup
December 3
To three quarts meal and two pounds pork for Henry Shantup                              
January 1
To cloth coat 8 dollars, satinet pants $2.50 and vest 67 cents for Henry Shantup
January 10
To bag Indian meal $1.87, two bushels potatoes $1.20 to Thomas Main for Indians
January 11
To this sum paid Thomas B. Main for keeping up fence by Shantup's lot
January 12
To three yards satinet2 $2.25, three yards cotton cloth 27 cents, thread and buttons 8 cents for Ned
January 30
To this sum paid Jack Randall for mending boots for Indians
January 30
To this paid William L. Main for putting up houses that blew down
January 30
To nails and padlock for said house
March 3
To three pounds cheese 27 cents and three quarts meal for Henry Shantup
To calico3 dress and lining, etc., for Pol Ned
To interest on balance due me on last settlement from June 21, 1849 to April 1, 1850, when I received rent of J. W. Hull                                                         
 April 15
To twilled4 collar shirt for Henry Shantup
May 10
To pair pantaloons5 for Henry Shantup and tobacco 8 cents
June 3
To cotton and wool dress for Pol Ned $1.50 and calico dress for Ned girl $1.10
June 3
To pair calf booties for Pol Ned $1.17 and hat for Henry Shantup 60 cents
June 10
To pair socks 8 cents, four quarts meal for Shantup
June 11
To this sum paid for doctoring the Tribe from June 1849 to June 1850
To one pair pants 1 dollar, twilled shirt 75 cents, and vest 50 cents for Shantup
To this sum paid for postage of letters
June 27
To this sum to New London and expense to settle account with County Court
To this sum for my services for attending to the Indians' concerns, tilling their land, etc., it being the sum formerly allowed                                           
June 27
To this sum paid clerk of County Court
Contra Credit
April 1
By cash received of J. W. Hull for rent of pasture from April 1850 to April 1851, paid in advance                                                                        
  $ 80.00
April 1
By this amount received for Cyrus Shelly lot
  $ -82.50
Elias Hewitt overseer
Sealed, June 27, 1850
N.B. Samuel Shantup has gone to the State of Wisconsin.6  He lets his land and received the rent before he left to pay his expenses.      
Rachel Hoxie, one of the Tribe, a girl about sixteen years old, has been sick and on expense the month of the past year and has had a child.7 The father of the child is a worthless wretch.  I have taken his notes for the amount of her expenses. I think I shall be able to collect the notes.
Judicial Action:
Elias Hewitt account with Pequot Tribe of Indians.  Allowed and approved, 1850.
1002 / 45a
  • 1. It is not clear if this refers to Henry or Samuel Shantup or some other menber of their families.
  • 2. One of the important textile manufactures of New England in the early industrial period was satinet, a satin-like fabric made largely from cotton. Hayward's New England Gazetteer recorded satinet factories in the following towns in the 1830s. "New England Satinet," NewEnglandTowns.org
  • 3. In the United States, calico is a generic term for a plain weave cotton or blended fabric that usually having small busy printed pattern. The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles.
  • 4. A basic weave in which the fabrics are constructed by interlacing warp and filling yarns in a progressive alternation which creates a diagonal effect on the face, or right side, of the fabric. Fabric Dictionary some twill weave fabrics, the diagonal effect may also be seen clearly on the back side of the fabric.
  • 5. Pantaloons, or ankle-length trousers, became fashionable in early 19th-century England. By mid-century pantaloons had supplanted breeches as fashionable street-wear. Wikipedia (Trousers).
  • 6. In 1829, Shantup applied for a lot of land in Brothertown, Wisconsin. Having its ancestral roots in Southern New England Native communities as a religious and political movement, the Brothertown settled on a tract of land in Oneida County shortly after the close of the Revolutionary War. By the early 19th Century, white settlement and a 60% reduction in reservation land by the State of New York caused a removal with some Oneida and Stockbridge-Munsee to Wisconsin Territory.
  • 7. Her son's name was Isaac. After his mother's marriage to Henry Jackson/Orchard in 1862, he was known as Isaac Jackson.