Bill from Mark Daniels to Erastus Williams, Overseer to the Western Pequot Indians

Pequot Tribe to Mark Daniels
March 6
To nursing Joshua George, six weeks and four days at 1 dollar per week
April 23 
To board and nursing Ann Wampey from the April 23 till November 23, being 30 weeks and 3 days at 75 cents per week 
May 4
To board and nursing William George from the May 4 till January 15, twenty weeks at 75 cents per week
.00 x
To ten weeks at 1 dollar per week
To board of John Nedson, 1 year at 25 cents per week
April 14
To two yards bleached sheeting for shroud for Joshua George1  at 28 cents per yard
To digging grave for the same 3/
January 13 
To three and a half yards shirting cambric2 for William George
To a shroud at 32 cents per yard3
To two yards cotton cloth for Ann Wampey at 12 ½ cents per yard
To one pair of shoes for Ann Wampey 7/6 
To making gown for Ann Wampey 2/
To making two shirts at 20 cents
To one bushel of potatoes to Hannah Miller 2/6
To a half bushel of potatoes 1/3        
To drawing wood, one day 10/6
To plowing, one day for Betsy Squib 12/
To seven bushels of potatoes to Betsy Squib 2/6
To fifteen loads of wood, cutting and drawing at 2/6 per load to Betsy Squib
To one and a half bushels of potatoes at 2/6 to Betsy Squib
To one quarter of potatoes at 2/6 to Hannah Miller
To four loads of wood, cutting and drawing at 2/6 to Betsy Squib
To carting two loads of wood for William George to head of Mystic 6/
To digging and drawing stone for 19 rods of wall
To board of Ann Wampey, two weeks at 75 cents per week
Credit by William George’s work
By carting stone for wall 12/ $2.00
By 22 loads of woods at
Endorsement: Mark Daniels Account, $70
  • 1. The given name William was crossed out here.
  • 2. A thin, plain linen or cloth fabric of fine close weave, usually white, cambric is used for linens, shirts, handkerchiefs, ruffs, lace and needlework. Lexico; Wikipedia.
  • 3. This shroud was for burial of William George.
  • 4. While the calculations used to arrive at this $30 figure are somewhat unclear, it is the same figure deducted from the overall amount, suggesting that the carting of stone and cutting of wood was work performed by William George.