Application and Appointment of Ezra Hewitt to Overseership of the Eastern Pequot Indians

To the Honorable County Court for the County of New London to be Holden at New London in Said County on the Second Tuesday of February Instant.1
The undersigned selectmen of the town of North Stonington in said County would respectfully state that there is residing in said town a remnant a tribe of Indians who continue to possess certain real estate in said town and that from the destitute and helpless condition of most of these unfortunate persons, it is necessary the little estate should be managed in the most judicious and economic manner.
And they would further state that their present overseer (Mr. Silas Chesbrough) is about to remove from this State.2  It, therefore, becomes necessary for Your Honors to appoint one in his stead.  And for the [ line illegible ] that a person be appointed who will discharge the trust with ability and fidelity.  We would, therefore, recommend the appointment of Colonel Ezra Hewitt as their Overseer, a man we deem worthy your confidence, and well qualified to act in that capacity.
All which is respectfully submitted,
North Stonington, February 10, 1834


Application for Overseer to Tribe of Indians, North Stonington.  Ezra Hewitt [ illegible ], giving bond according to law.

Judicial Action:

Ezra Hewitt of North Stonington appointed Overseer in giving bond according to law.  John Dewit, Clerk.  $500




  • 1. The second Tuesday of February in 1834 was the 11th.
  • 2. Chesebrough resigned his office on February 19, 1834, and removed from Stonington to settle at Syracuse, New York.  He died there eleven years later at the age of 58.  See NNRC biography of Silas Chesebrough.