Petition of Eli Forbes to the Massachusetts General Court

Province of the Massachusetts Bay


To His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq., Governor. to the Honorable His Majesty’s Council and House of Representatives of said Province in General Court Assembled, January 1768


Eli Forbes of Brookfield most humbly sheweth that this Honorable Court at their session in May last empowered and directed him to procure three Indian children and bring them to Brookfield to support and instruct them in the English language and way of civil life and especially in the knowledge and practice of the Christian Religion as by the Resolve will appear,[1] the charges whereof to be paid out of the interest of Sir Peter Warren’s donation for that purpose,[2] and your petitioner was directed to render his account of expences within one year, and he accordingly herewith presents his account of disbursements in the premises and prays the same may be considered and that the balance thereof may be granted to him to enable him to proceed further in the education of the children whom he has procured, agreeable to the Resolution of this Honorable Court.[3]


And as in duty bound will ever pray, etc.,


Eli Forbes



Mr. Ely Forbes Account, January 18, 1768.  Committee, Mr, Sayward, Colonel Ward, Mr. Wood of Boston




[1] See Resolve Impowering Revd Eli Forbes to Clothe and Educate Three Indian Children, Chap. 36, Acts and Resolves (Massachusetts, 1767-68), p. 243.  The children were two boys and one girl from the Six Nations.

[2] Sir Peter Warren provided a legacy for the education of the youth of the Six Nations. It consisted of the commission due him from the Province of Massachusetts for his taking of Cape Breton plus interest. Letter of Mr. Wheelock to Sir William Johnson, in O’Callaghan, Documentary History of the State of New York, Vol. 4, 22.

[3] See Petition of Eli Forbes to the Massachusetts General Court, 1768.01.00.01 for further expense reports.