Instructions from the Privy Council to Sir Dudley Carleton

After our view hearty commendations to Your Lordships, whereas His Majesty’s subjects have many years since taken possession of the whole precinct and inhabited some parts of the north of Virginia (by us called New England) of all which countries His Majesty hath in like manner some years since by patent granted to the quiet and full possession unto particular persons.  Nevertheless, we understand that the year past, the Hollanders have entered upon some parts thereof[1] and there left a colony and given new names to the several ports appertaining to that part of the country and are now in a readiness to send for their supply six or eight ships, whereof His Majesty, being advertised, we have received his royal commandment to signify his pleasure that you should represent those things unto the States General in his Majesty’s name (who jure primae occupations hath good and sufficient title to those parts[2] and require of them that as well those ships as their further prosecution of that plantation may be presently stayed, and so not doubting of your best endeavors therein, we bid you heartedly farewell from Whitehall.

Your Lordship’s very loving friends

December 15, 1621


Sign as the [ hole ] other to Sir Ferdinando Gorges


Dudley Carleton


Letters to Sir Dudley Carleton to stay the Dutch shipping going to New England, December 15, 1621




[1] The Dutch East India Company had controlled the Hudson River Valley since 1609.  The ships being sent there were from the Dutch West Indian Company.  In the interests of protecting the English investment on the New England coast, a royal proclamation prohibited all trade, including trade with Indians, there without license from the Council for New England. Baxter, Sir Ferdinando Gorges and the Province of Maine, 125.

[2] Deleted text: (as they have to any of their dominions) and to desire