Order of the Massachusetts General Court on the Petition of Josiah Speen


In the House of Representatives.  March 27, 1742.  Read and in answer hereto ordered that the petitioner have liberty to sell so much of the land [1] as will pay the debt herein [2] mentioned and Captain Jones and Captain Tucker with such as shall be joined by the Honorable Board be a Committee to see that justice be done in the sale thereof. Sent up for concurrence.  John Hobson, Speaker. 


* Josiah Speen's Petition.  March 27, 1741.  April 23, 1742     

Legislative Action:

2.  December 9, 1741  Read and ordered to be on the table.  January 20, 1741. Referred till next sitting, March 24, 1741.  Read and the question was put whether the petitioner shall be committed.  It passed in the negative.  Reconsidered. Captain Coolidge,[3] Captain Bancroft,[4] Mr. Burley.[5]  Foxcraft[6] has taken a copy of this

In Council.  April 7, 1742.  Read and nonconurred and, in answer to this petition, ordered that Francis Foxcraft, Esq., with such as shall be joined by the Honorable House, be a Committee to inquire into and adjust the affair within mentioned and that the petitioner thereupon be and hereby as [ crossout ] allowed in the petition as shall be sufficient to satisfy what is equitably due from the petitioner's son, Daniel, to the within mentioned Rice.  Sent down for concurrence.  Josiah Willard, Secretary / In the House of Representatives.  April 9, 1742.  Read and concurred and Captain Jones[7] and Captain Tucker are joined in the affair.  [8] John Hobson, Speaker. 

March 26, 1742.  Upon another made seconded, ordered that the prayer of this petition be reconsidered and that Captain Coolidge, Captain Bancroft, and Mr. Burley be a Committee to take the subject matter of this petition into consideration and [ illegible ] as may be what aught to be done in the matter.  April 23, 1742.  Consented to William Shirley




[1] Deleted Text: mentioned

[2] Deleted Text: described

[3] Isaac Coolidge

[4] Samuel Bancroft

[5] Andrew Burley

[6] Francis Foxcraft

[7] John Jones

[8] Deleted Text: Sent up for concurrence