Weetamoo, - 1676

Weetamoe, the daughter of Corbitant, the sachem of the Pocasset Wampanoag, was most likely born in Mattapoiset.  She became a sunksqua or leader of the Pocasset with a principal residence at Quequechan (present-day Fall River, Massachusetts).

She married five times into prominent Indian families in the region.  Her first husband was Winnepurket (Sachem of Saugus).  After his death, she married Wamsutta (the eldest son of Massasoit).  Both conveyed property to colonists around 1659.  In 1662, she deeded more land to John Sanford and John Asher.  Following Wamsutta's death, she wed Quequequanchet, and then Petonowowett.  When he joined the English forces against Philip, Weetamoe married Quinnapin (son of Ninigret I).

During King Philip's War, she was at first neutral but later sent her warriors to assist Philip, her brother-in-law.  At the end of the war, as she was trying to escape, Weetamoe drowned in the Taunton River.  Drake, Book of the Indians, 4-6.  Wikipedia.

August 1676