Hull, Latham, 1749 - 1807

Latham Hull (February 9, 1749-December 8, 1807) was the son of Stephen Hull and Martha Mory of Kingston, Rhode Island.  Sometime before the Revolution, he removed to Stonington, Connecticut, for which he became selectman and representative to the Connecticut General Assembly for seventeen years. 

Hull served on a committee on Mohegan Indian affairs for the Connecticut General Assembly in 1798.  He was appointed overseer to the Eastern Pequot in Stonington, Connecticut in 1800.  Paul Baker, the son of Catherine Baker, a person of color from Stonington, was an indentured servant in the Hull household.  So was Bartlett Shelly, an Eastern Pequot, who, under the provisions of Hull's will in 1807, was provided fifty dollars in clothing and necessities "from time to time as he stands to need" for five years. 

Baker and Shelly may have been the two slaves listed under Hull in the 1800 Stonington federal census. Wheeler, History of the Town of Stonington, 443.  IP 1.2.105, 106; 2.1.45, 46.  Brown and Rose, Black Roots, 20, 370, 489, 616.

February 9, 1749
December 8, 1807