Indenture of John Pagatoon

July 12, 1723

This indenture witnesseth that John Pagatoon, Indian man,  and Sarah, Indian woman, by and with the consent of their master Thomas Reeves of Southold on Long Island have put and bound themselves servants to Joseph Bigelow of Hartford in the Colony of Connecticut after the manner of servants faithfully to serve him for and during the full term of five years to begin at the date hereof during all which time the said servants shall faithfully serve their said master his heirs or assigns his lawful commands obey.  They shall do no damage to their said master nor see it done by others without giving notice thereof to said master. They shall not absent themselves by night or day from their said master’s service without his consent ( which if they do they shall serve him threble the time of their so absenting themselves and also pay threble damages), but in all things shall behave themselves as good and faithful servants ought to do during said term.

Furthermore, the said John Pagatoon and Sarah, his wife, parents to Sampson, Indian boy, by and with the consent and advice of their said master Thomas Reeves do bind their said son, Sampson, a servant to said Joseph Bigelow for and during the full term nineteen years and an half or until he shall be of the age of twenty and one years.  During all which term or time the Sampson shall faithfully serve the said Joseph Bigelow, his master, his lawful commands obey he shall do no damage to his said master nor see it done without giving notice thereof to his said master.  He shall not absent himself from his master’s service by day or night without his leave or consent, but in all things behave himself as a good and faithful servant ought to do during the said term.  And the said Joseph Bigelow shall procure and provide for his said servants sufficient meat and drink, apparel and lodging suitable for his servants and on the account of said John Pagatoon and Sarah shall pay and satisfy to the said Thomas Reave fifty pounds money, a debt due from said John and Sarah to said Reaves and shall give and deliver to the said Sampson at the expiration of his term of service a horse that shall be then valued at five pounds money.  And for the fine performance of every of the covenant and agreements therein contained every of the parties bind themselves each to the other firmly by these presents; in witness whereof they and each of them have hereunto set their hands and seals this twelfth day of July, Anno Domini 1723 Annoq RR Georgii Novo 1

Sign, sealed and delivered in presence of us.

The words (heirs and assigns) on the other side were interlined before signing and sealing.

Notation:         1723 / Deed for John 

Miscellaneous:   In the N2[9]

  • 1. In the reign of King George the ninth
  • 2. Incomplete and written on the recto and aligned perpendicularly to the rest of the text