Petition of Charlotte Myers to the Massachusetts General Court

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled                

Respectfully represents Charlotte E. Myers of Boston in the County of Suffolk, widow,1 that she is a member of the Ponkapog Tribe of Indians, in feeble health and destitute circumstances and unable by her own industry to provide for her comfortable maintenance and support.  Wherefore, she prays that Your Honorable Body will grant her for the ensuing year an allowance at least equal to that made her by the state for the past year to wit the sum of one hundred dollars, the same being barely sufficient to enable her to procure the necessaries of life.

Charlotte E. Myers
Boston, January 3, 1866                               

Legislative Action:

Petition of Charlotte E. Myers, a member of Ponkapog Tribe of Indians, for relief, presented by Mr. Sewell of Boston / House of Representatives.  January 19, 1866,  Referred to the Committee on Claims.  Sent up for concurrence.  W. S. Robinson, Clerk.  Senate, January 19, 1866.  Concurred, S. N. Gifford, Clerk / Notify A .D. Parker, Esq., 20 Court Street



  • 1. The identity of Charlotte's husband is yet unknown.