Petition of Isaac Williams to the Massachusetts General Court

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts                                  

The undersigned respectfully represents that he is a member of the Ponkapog Tribe of Indians, that he is granted by the Commonwealth an annuity of fifty dollars per year during his life, that he is blind1 and unable to do anything for his support, and that said sum of fifty dollars annually is now insufficient for his support.           

Wherefore, he prays that an additional sum may be granted to him payable to the Guardian of said tribe to be by him expended for the benefit of your petitioner.

And as in duty bound will ever pray,

Stoughton, February 14, 1865

Legislative Action:

The Petition of Isaac Williams for additional annuity.  Presented by Mr. Hewins of Sharon.  House of Representatives.  February 24, 1865.  House of Representatives.  Referred to the Committee on Claims.  Sent up for concurrence, W. S. Robinson, Clerk.  Senate, February 25, 1865.  Concurred, S. N. Gifford, Clerk / Resolution 1845, Chapter 6 gives fifty dollars annually

  • 1. Williams had lost his eyesight by the the middle of August 1850, when the federal census of Stoughton, Massachusetts had been taken. Federal enumeration: Stoughton, Massachusetts (1850), Ancestry.