Petition of Polly Crowd to the Massachusetts General Court


1 To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Respectfully sheweth that your petitioner, Polly Crowd, a resident of Canton and one of the Punkapoag Tribe of Indians, being an invalid and without means of support, asks for her share of the fifty dollars appropriated for invalid Indians of the State of Massachusetts.         

And in duty bound will ever pray,

Signed, Polly Crowd

February 1850

Legislative Action:

To the Honorable the House of RepresentativesPetition of Polly Crowd, on of the Ponkapoag Tribe of Indians, asking for her share of the fifty dollar fund appropriated for invalid Indians.  Presented by J. Wood of Middleboro.  Referred to Committee on Claims.  House of Representatives.  April 23, 1850. Referred to the Committee on Claims. Sent up for concurrence, C. W. Storey, Clerk.  Senate. April  29, 1850.  Concurred, Charles Calhoun, Clerk


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  • 1. This petition, as well as Crowd’s January 1, 1853 petition, is in the handwriting of Abolitionist, William C. Nell.