Petition of Mary Cook and other Chappaquiddick Indians to the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives

To the Honourable Senate and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled

We, the undersigned Indians and People of Colour living on the Island of Chappaquiddick within the Town of Edgartown in the County of Dukes and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, respectfully represent that, whereas an Act, for the better regulation, instruction, and government of the Indians and People of Colour, having at the last session of the General Court been proposed and submitted to their consideration, beg leave to state that theirs have fully examined said act so proposed and intended for their benefit, and totally disapprove of every part and section thereof, that they conceive if said act proposed as aforesaid should pass and  become a law, it would prove highly injurious to their rights, liberties and interest. They, therefore, bitterly oppose the passing of said act or any part thereof.

The undersigned, therefore, petition the Honourable Senate and the Honourable House of Representatives that they may be permitted to enjoy their rights and privileges, and that their affairs, in the same way and manner and under the same law and regulations, that they ever have been with the following restrictions, that inasmuch as those of the Whites whose lands are not adjoining the lands of the Indians and People of Colour do not maintain and keep up their part and proportion of the division line of fence between said Indians and People of Colour and said Whites, a considerable proportion thereof is not made and erected as by law it ought to the great detriment of the said Indians and People of Colour.  They, therefore, pray that some method may be adapted to enforce the laws now existing in relation to the making and maintaining said fence on the part of the Whites.  They further petition that they may be permitted to erect a pound and to choose one or more field drivers and that two good and discreet men may be appointed by the Governor and Council as Guardian to the said Indians and People of Colour, and who shall have the management and control of the affairs of the said Indians and People of Color, the services of said Guardians to be paid by the Commonwealth.

And as in duty bound will ever pray,

William Johnson, his mark


Petition of the Chappaquiddick Indians

Legislative Action:

In Senate, June 9, 1827. Referred to the Committee, who have under consideration a bill entitled “an Act for the better regulation, instruction, and government of the Indians and People of Color in the County of Dukes County.”  Sent down for concurrence, John Mills, President.  House of Representatives, June 9, 1827.  Concurred, William C. Jarvis, Speaker / Remonstrance of Mary Cook and others against the bill entitled “An act for the better regulation, instruction, and government of the Indians and People of Color in the County of Dukes County.” Mr. Marston.  In Senate, June 9, 1827.  Referred to Committee who have the bills alluded to under consideration