Order on the Petition of William Boden to the Massachusetts General Court

On the petition of William Boden of Natick, relating to purchases of Indian lands in Natick, ordered that the said petitioner be committed to Josiah Stone, Esq., Messrs. Joseph Twitchell and Eleazer Kingsbury, Guardians for the said Natick Tribe of Indians.  And the said guardians are hereby directed to make strict enquiry as to the quantity and quality of the lands mentioned in the said petition, what the value of each piece is, what consideration has been paid, and report a state of facts of all matters relative thereto contained in the said petition to the General Court, as soon as may be for their consideration and further procure thereon.  Sent down for concurrence. 

Samuel Adams, President
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, In Senate February 6, 1784

Legislative Action:

The Petition of William Boden / Mr. Washburn, Mr. Lewis / In the House of Representatives, February 9, 1784.  Read and concurred, Tristram Dalton, Speaker