Petition of Joseph Poquiantup to the Connecticut General Assembly Requesting Leave to Sell Land

To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut to be Holden at Hartford in Said State on the Second Thursday of May 18081

The petition of Joseph Poquiantup of Lyme in the County of New London humbly sheweth that he is one of the Niantic Tribe of Indians in said Lyme, and a number of years ago he purchased a piece of broken woodland of Captain Ezra Ely, late of Lyme, deceased, which land was never any of the land given to the Indians, and it contains somewhere between fifteen and twenty acres, and the wood being chiefly cut off, and but little coming from the growth of the wood on the same, and your petitioner is now old and poor and needs the land for his support, wherefore he prays that Your Honors would take his case into consideration and give him leave to sell said piece of land in order to support him and his family, said sale to under such directions as Your Honours shall think best.

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray,

Joseph Poquiantup, his mark
Dated Lyme, May 10, 1808


Witness, Andrew Griswold, Andrew Griswold, Jr.

Legislative Action:

May Session 1808.  In the House of Representatives, the prayer of the foregoing petition is granted with liberty of a bill in form, etc.  Test, Elisha Sterling, Clerk.  Concurred in the Upper House. Test, Samuel Wyllys, Secretary / The petition of Joseph Poquiantup granted / Granted House of Representatives / Granted Upper House / Entered Bill / Passed House of Representatives / Passed Upper House with alteration / Consented House of Representatives / Copy Within / Paid


96 a, 96 b, 135

  • 1. The second Thursday of May 1808 was the 12th.