Using a section from Ape's Indian Nullification as a base, this document shows the revisions an unknown author made in a subsequent printing. To see the comparison, click on the Annotated Transcription link on the right.
Native Northeast Research Collaborative, Chappaquiddick, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
Geography, Land, & the Environment, Politics, Power, & Sovereignty
A request detailing several objections regarding the Province of Massachusetts Bay claiming jurisdiction over Martha's Vineyard, alias Capawock, and a specific request that a former act prohibiting the sale of "strong drink" be enacted
A request seeking authorization to sell land at Natick, held by Zerviah Abraham Ompany, and the avails, less a small amount to build a house, to be transferred to the guardians of the Indians at Martha's Vineyard and held in interest of said Ompany