A complaint by James Robbins, John Joel, Mark Kurdoody, Sr., and others of the Chappaquiddick Tribe seeking relieve from and restitution for trespass by non-Natives on Indian land
A request of Robin Suncasin and others Mashpee natives for the interposition of the Legislature in the protection of their land, marsh, and river from encroachment
A request that the Court hear the proclamation of the innocence of William and Joseph Wannuckhow, and John Appamatahqueen in the murder of Thomas Eames' family
A request of John Coquet and others for the interposition of the Legislature in the sale and development of land by overseer Simeon Butler, includes the order for Butler's removal
A request for the Court to articulate the details of an order authorizing the construction and operation of a grist mill on Indian land and the accompanying articulation