Hyde, John, 1783 - 1861

John Hyde (1783-1861) was a businessman from Stonington, Connecticut.  In 1815, he supported a petition to the Connecticut General Assembly that requested education be provided to the members of the Eastern and Mashantucket Pequot Indians.  
In the early 1820s, Hyde purchased Stephen Avery's gristmill and leased it to the Mystic Manufacturing Company that produced cotton and woolen cloth, brass/iron tools, engines, and machines, and milled grain into flour.  Within the decade, the enterprise expanded by building two new cotton mills in Old Mystic.  Hyde purchased the Company and improved the mills with steam and waterpower.
Hyde sold hardware and clothing to Mark Daniels for the Mashantuckets in 1821, and other goods to the tribe in 1826.  Eastern Pequot overseer records show that members of the Eastern Pequot community shopped at his store in 1827, 1828, and 1832.
Wheeler, History of the Town of Stonington, 141-142. Raber Associates, Summary of Historical Background for Hyde Pond Dam, May 21, 2015, Appendix E, Hyde Pond EA Appendices, B-E, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 16, https://www.fws.gov/r5snep/pdf/Hyde_Pond_EA_AppendicesB_E.pdf. 

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