Mixan, - 1657

Mixan, the eldest son of the Narragansett sachem Canonicus I, was the husband of Ninigret’s sister, Quaiapen (alias Matantuck, Magnus).  The couple had at least two sons, Scuttup and Quequakanewett, and a daughter Quenimiquit.  As the son of the tribal leader, Mixan was among the Narragansett diplomatic delegation that went to Boston in 1631.  His name appears on the 1637 deed  of Aquidneck Island to William CoddingtonMixan rose to prominence after the death of Miantonomo in 1643 and shared the sachemship with his father and cousin Pessicus.  His main village may have been Cocumscussoc but he controlled a larger territory, including parts of neighboring Nipmuc Country.  Beginning in 1645, Mixan was repeatedly called before the Commissioners of the United Colonies on suspicion of plotting to kill Uncas and for collaborating with the Dutch.  He died in the winter of 1656-57.  LaFantasie, The Correspondence of Roger Williams, 123.  Campbell and LaFantasie, Sachems and Sanaps, 12-17, 20-21, 25.

Winter of 1656/57