Petition of Joseph and Simon Bruce to the Massachusetts General Court

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

To the Honourable the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled            

The petition of Joseph Bruce and Simon Bruce humbly sheweth that by a resolve of the General Court passed the 19th day of November 1787,1 Edward Rawson, Willis Hall, and Stephen Maynard, Esqs., Guardians of the Grafton Indians, were specially authorized to make sale of sixteen acres and one hundred poles of land in the possession of Fortune Burnee for the purpose mentioned in said resolve.

That on the twenty-first day of May 1788, the said Edward, Willis, and Stephen made and executed a deed to your petitioners of sixteen acres and five poles of land belonging to the said Fortune Burnee, but by mistake the boundaries set forth in said deed do not comprehend the land your petitioners contracted for, nor that which they have occupied under their purchase, but a different tract of land.  Your petitioners, therefore, pray this Honourable Court would authorize and direct the present Trustees of said Grafton Indians to make and execute a good and sufficient deed of the land your petitioners actually contracted for, and they on their part are ready to reconvey the lands comprehended in the aforesaid deed or otherwise grant such relief as Your Honours shall think fit.

And as in duty bound shall ever pray,                      

Joseph Bruce
Simon Bruce



This may certify that the facts set forth in the above petition are true and that the deed mentioned by the petitioners does not comprehend the land that was intended to be conveyed by the same.  Willis Hall,  Edward Rawson, Signers to said deed and Trustees


 Resolve empowering the Trustees of the Grafton Indians to execute a deed in fee simple of land to Joseph and Simon Bruce provided.  February 27, 1794

Legislative Action:

Petition of Joseph Bruce and Simon Bruce / Mr. Fay / Mr. Drury / Mr. G. Brown / Mr. 2 Austin /Mr. Dana  3


 199, 117, 117

  • 1. Petition of Fortune Burnee to the Massachusetts General Court, 1787.10.00.01
  • 2. Deleted Text: Hosmer
  • 3. Resolves 1793, c.117, passed February 27, 1794