Petition of Zacheus Nonesuch and Others Requesting Permission to Sell Personal Property

To the Honorable General Assembly now in session at New Haven

The undersigned, the sole members of the Niantic Tribe of Indians, respectfully request that all the personal property belonging to said tribe, excepting so much thereof as may be necessary to keep their Indian burial ground in repair, be divided among the members of said tribe according to the rule of division prescribed by the Superior Court for New London County at its January Session 1867.

Zaccheus Nonesuch

Anna E. Nonesuch

Betsy Nonesuch

John Nonesuch

Lucy A. Nonesuch

John B. Nonesuch Jr.

Frederick H. Nonesuch

Sciota Nonesuch

Annie E. Nonesuch


I should not object to a distribution according to the above petition,

F.W. Bolles, Overseer

