Shoran, Abigail, - 1792

Called a young girl in 1768, Abigail Shoran was a member of the Tunxis community in Farmington, Connecticut. We hypothesize that she is the same Abigail under the care of Eunice Indian (wife of Cornelius) on June 30, 1754, in New Hartford.

Most likely, she is related to Sarah Shoran Wampey, as Elijah Wampey, Sarah's son, sold Abigail a piece of land at Fort Hill in 1768. Abigail's probate inventory, dated October 1792, indicated that she owned one piece of land lying in Pequabuck meadow at a place known by the name of Fort Hill, containing eleven acres.  The whole was appraised at 35 shillings per acre, for L19..5..0. 

Abigail Shawen