Stark, Caleb, 1766 - 1841

Caleb Stark was born on October 8, 1766 in Lebanon, Connecticut, the son of Abiel and Chloe Hinckley Stark.   Caleb married Lydia in Lebanon in 1794 and the couple would have nine children.
Stark was compensated for providing five weeks of board and nursing to Daniel Toby, a Pequot man, who had fallen ill in that town in January and February of 1820.  Lebanon’s Town Treasurer’s Records, specifically the records of the town poor, capture either this instance or perhaps a later one when Caleb Stark in September 25, 1820 was reimbursed for supporting Daniel Toby.
Caleb Stark died on August 9, 1841 and was buried in Goshen Cemetery in Lebanon, Connecticut.;; New London County CT Archives History .....Town Poor In Lebanon Town Treasurer's Records, 1818-1872,
Sources for this biography also come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.
October 8, 1766
August 9, 1841