Ashbow, Lucy, - 1822

Lucy Ashbow may have been the daughter of a Mohegan man, Joseph Ashbow and Jenny, ostensibly connected to the Pequot community.  If so, Lucy was one of the three siblings listed in a August 5, 1782  “Census of Mohegan Indians”.  It would not have been uncommon for an individual to be affiliated with more than one native community.  What is known, is that Lucy Ashbow was a signatory on an April 24, 1819 petition requesting, together with 24 others from the Mashantucket Pequot community, for the appointment of Captain Eneas Morgan as overseer.  Associated with her name on this petition is the crossed- out surname Charles. While this may have simply been an error, it could also be suggestive of the pre-married or maiden name, Charles, one that was relatively common in the Pequot community at that time.  If this is the case, then her connection to Mohegan may have been through marriage alone.
In August of the following year, Lucy Ashbow appears in the records of the State appointed overseer as receiving, along with Amy George Daniels, cash and provisions.  According to the notes of anthropologist Eva Butler, the overseer paid for the funeral expenses of Lucy Ashbow in 1822.   It seems as if the original document from whence this funerary information was gathered is no longer extant.
Deaths of Natives from History of the Town of Ledyard, Connecticut (Avery) and State Overseers Records from 1740-1913.;
Sources for this biography also come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.
Lucy Charles
c. 1822