Bill from Charles Chester to Eneas Morgan, Overseer to the Western Pequot Indians
March 1823 Pequot Tribe to Charles Chester
To drawing load of wood for A. Shon1
$ .17
To plowing gardens for her
To one day and team plowing
To plowing a garden for Hannah Miller
To three quarts meal to her
To four quarts meal to Moses Sunsamon
To drawing wood for A. Shon
February 23
To four quarts meal to A. Shon
To drawing wood for Ann Wampey
To linen shirt for Moses
To drawing wood for Ann Wampey
To two pounds fourteen ounces lard to A. Shon
To making fourteen rods stone wall at 75 cents per rod
To two orders, 50 cents each
2 |
Charles Chester
June 14, 1824
Endorsement: Charles Chester Account
- 1. This last name could be an abbreviated form of Deshon. The line following this entry following suggests that A. Shon is a woman. A Caleb Shon married Agnes Tony in Stonington on November 23, 1758, but this would mean A. Shon would be, at the very least, well into her nineties. It is more likely that this entry refers to Theodosia Deshon.
- 2. An expense of $2.64 cash was crossed out here and removed from the final tally.
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