Timothy (Tunxis), - 1751
Timothy, the son of Wenaconcom, lived in the Tunxis community of Farmington, Connecticut. He had two daughters, Rachel and Sarah. The family lived in a house on four acres of land. In In 1740, Timothy added to his property by purchasing from Stephen Quecharo an acre at Indian Hill near the Indian wigwams where stood an orchard of forty-four apple trees. Being weak of body but of strong mind and memory, Timothy died in the summer of 1751. His probate inventory shows that besides household items, he owned fishing and farming equipment, a horse, a one-year mare colt, and swine that lived in the woods.
Timothy gave his property to his daughters Rachel and Sarah, but considering their minority, he put them under the care of Solomon Indian -- most likely Solomon Mossuck -- offering him the use of his personal and real estate until the girls turned sixteen if Solomon would agree to provide sufficient food, clothing, and education on how to read.
Sources for this biography come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.
Before August 6, 1751